Jun 30, 2016

Spilsbury, Knollys, Keach on Ordo Salutis

Hanserd Knollys (1599-1691) wrote:

"Thus being by the Spirit and Faith united with Christ, we are made a new creature, or creation, have a new heart, and walk in newnesse of life." 

Clearly Knollys did not put faith after regenerationUnion with Christ, by faith, preceded all other blessings of salvation.

He also wrote:

"Our union by Faith, the Pardon of sin, our Reconciliation with God, the sanctification of our hearts and lives, our peace of conscience, and the Salvation of our Souls, are the Benefits of our Redemption by Christ, I Cor. 1: 30. These are as a Cluster of Camphire, full of divine virture, and spiritual sweetness unto believers, when they can apply these benefits unto themselves by Faith." (Song of Solomon) (SEE HERE)

John Spilsbury (1593-1668) was also, like Knollys, a major leader of the English Particular Baptists and signer of the first London Baptist Confession of Faith. He wrote:

"I believe that God of his grace, in his own time, effectually calls such as shall be saved to the knowledge of the truth, who is said, of his own will to beget us by the word of truth: in which work of grace, nature is as passive, as a child in the parents begetting of it; and so God by His Spirit works faith in the hearts of all such to believe in Christ, and his righteousness, only for justification. And thus they are made righteous before God in Christ, and so conformable to the will of God the Father through the Son; and also made holy through the work of regeneration, and the holy Spirit of grace dwelling in them; yet all such have still, as long as they live here in the flesh, remaining in them, an old man, that original corruption, the flesh that wars against the spirit, which hinders them in their obedience both to God and to man, and many times draws them to that which is evil, and contrary to their intentions; yet all of them shall through Christ overcome, and safely be brought to glory at last." (emphasis mine) (SEE HERE)

Wrote Benjamin Keach (1640-1704):

"1. Gospel grace is glorious, because, when received in truth, it delivers the soul from bondage, it breaks the bonds. For the soul is not set at liberty by the mere shedding of Christ's blood, without the application of it by the Spirit or infusion of grace into the heart.

2. The Gospel through the grace of it when received in truthopens blind eyes, it makes them see, that never saw, in a spiritual sense, before; it opens their eyes that were born blind; how blind was Saul till the Gospel grace shone upon him, or rather in him?

3. The Gospel through the grace of it, when received in truthraises the dead soul to life. It is hereby we come to be quickened, the flesh profiteth nothing, it is the Spirit that quickeneth; that is, the human nature without the divine cannot accomplish salvation for us; nor shall any soul receive any saving benefit by the flesh, or death of Christ, unless he be quickened by the Spirit.

4. The Gospel in the grace of it, when received in truth, casts out that cursed enmity that is in the heart against God, and thereby reconciles the sinner to the blessed Majesty of heaven.

5. The grace of the Gospel works regeneration, makes the sinner another man, a new man. It forms the new creature in the soul.

The Gospel is glorious in respect of the tenders and offers made therein to the sons of men." (SEE HERE)

Thus, Garrett's ordo salutis is the same as these great old Baptists.

Jun 26, 2016

Coping Mechanisms


Copied From "My Daily Bread" (SEE HERE)

Coping Mechanisms

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (James 1; 2,3 NIV)

Do we preach the gospel by the way we react to trial and adversity?

To be able to rejoice in trials and in loss is truly the most amazing thing in the psychology of the ChristianHow he faces trial and loss is truly unique and rare, something that you simply do not see in those who are unreconciled to GodHow one faces life's hardships reveals what is on the inside of them, what is their relationship to God, what is the state of their souls.

To do as James exhorts, in the above passage, is absolutely impossible for those who are spiritually impotentCarnal and sinful man is simply not able to view and react to trial and loss in this manner. It is the common reaction of fallen man to "curse" God when they suffer misfortune. Such is not the habit of the Christian.Rather, he views his trials in the light of the revelation of holy scripture, and by his faith and trust in the Lord, he views his circumstances in a much better and truer light than do those who do not "know the Lord."

Adverse circumstances are viewed by the Christian as "opportunities" for him to demonstrate the Christian message to others. He is, by his calm endurance of trial, by his lack of murmurring and complaining, by his joy in the midst of suffering, able to picture forth the kind of life that Christ gives to those who come to him. By such a spirit in sufferings many a sinner has been won to Christ and his salvation.

Peter spoke of wives living the Christian life, with a "meek and quiet spirit," even with ungodly husbands, and who are able, nevertheless,by their joy and by their reaction to adversity, to demonstrate the power of the Christian life and message, and all this without orally preaching the word. Such are won to Christ and the Christian religion "without the word," that is, without oral teaching, won by the godly example of their wives. What a great lesson for us who are truly Christians! (See I Peter 3: 1-4)

"What time I am afraidI will trust in thee." (Psalm 56: 3)

That is a "coping mechanism" of the mature Christian. When he faces trial, when he is afraid and anxious about things, he turns to the Lord in faith and trusts in him.

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up." (Psalm 5; 3)

When troubles dawn in our lives, do we seek the Lord early in it? Or, do we seek to other "physicians of no value"? (Job 13: 4) Do we see these trials as opportunities for us to glorify Christ?

The great Apostle Paul saw them this way. He suffered from a terrible physical malady, a "messenger of Satan," and he sought the Lord's deliverance from it. The Lord replied to him - "My grace is sufficient for you." Paul then responded to this word by saying -

"Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. I am become a fool in glorying..." (II Corinthians 12: 9-11)

Here is the "coping mechanism" of the Christian at work in Paul. Rather than reacting to adversity and loss with murmurring and complaint, with cursing to God, he reacts with joy and pleasure,happy to be suffering. Is this crazy? Yes, by the world's estimation, it is. Yet, how many people have been won to Christ by seeing such power and such a spirit in the lives of those who suffer? Paul saw his sufferings as opportunities to magnify and preach the power and grace of the Lord.

"Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly." (Job 1: 20-22)

Here Job reacts as did PaulJob's wife wanted him to "curse God and die." That was not his way to cope and react. He rather gave God praise. The world does not understand this.

Friend, how are you coping with life and its trials? Do you curse God? Do you blame him? Do you "charge God foolishly"? Are you not amazed at the way believers react to trial and loss? at their ability to persevere? at their ability to rejoice in suffering? You too can have that kind of faith and spirit.