Jul 6, 2020

Conversion & Realization

Becoming a convert to Jesus Christ and to his teachings is a rebirth and involves a core mental and psychological phenomenon of which "Realization" is an integral part. It is defined as "the fact or moment of starting to understand a situation" and thus deals with comprehension of a one's moral and spiritual situation.

In "realization" the mind apprehends or discovers truth. It can also allude to "the act or moment of achieving something you planned to do or hoped for" or "the state of being aware of or understanding a situation." A convicted and convinced sinner has become aware of his need of salvation and of the remedy being in Christ alone to whom he must go.

Prodigal Son's Realization

In the story of the "Prodigal Son" we see how "realization" characterized the return in repentance of the lost son. He begins to reflect on his condition and realizes that even his father’s slaves were better off than he. His destitute circumstances helped him to see his father in a new light and bring him hope. In conversion the sinner discovers the destitute condition of his life because of sin and alienation from God his Father.

It is a realization that, apart from God, there is no hope (Ephesians 2:12; 2 Timothy 2:25-26). This is when a repentant sinner “comes to his senses” and longs to return to the state of fellowship with God which was lost when Adam sinned. Christ is seen as the only savior and satisfaction and he is fully apprehended.

The lost world of wicked rebels do not realize the truth.

When the Lord was drawing me by his word and Spirit I began, like the prodigal, and like all other Christians before me, to realize many important truths about myself, the world, and of God's plans and purposes. I came to realize how great God was and of the importance of his Son in all things.  I came to realize the vanity of this world. I realized that there had to be something better.

I am continuing to realize new insight every day. How is it with you?

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