Jul 6, 2020

Preparing For Apocalyptic Tribulation? How?

Many today are preparing for "the Apocalypse," for the awful calamities predicted in Scripture (and in many non Christian religious traditions). Even apart from any religious or prophetic lens, many non religious people also sense that the future of the world is very liable to be thrust into a conflict that will make all previous ones pale in comparison. So, how are people preparing for disaster?

We know how people prepare for disasters such as fires, hurricanes, tornados, power outages, etc. They stock up on food and supplies, they buy generators, insurance, safes, weapons, and some, if they are wealthy enough, build huge underground facilities, in caves and mountains, with intention to find safety there in the time of mass mayhem and war. These are known as "Doomsday Preppers."

Trust in all these preparations are vain. When the day of wrath and tribulation comes we will find a time where there is no peace and safety. Silver and gold will be worthless. Food stored will be robbed and the owners of it killed. Those rich who are hiding in caves will cry to the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb of God. (Rev. 6)

The only safety in this time is to be found in staying close to Christ and unpolluted from the world. Trust in him to see you through all coming tribulations. Don't trust in your preparation efforts. The preparation most needed is for the soul and will only come through deep repentance and drawing near in faith to the Lord.

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