Jun 3, 2020

Rioters Can Gather But Not Christians?

"Be astonished, O ye heavens!" (Jer. 2: 12) at the height of the hypocrisy evident in our day, both among politicians, citizens, and many Christian communities! In the present Coronavirus pandemic and rioting (not only in America but in many other countries) we see so much hypocrisy among our political leaders!

Let the rioters gather and break the pandemic restrictions, but send police cars to churches to arrest churches that refuse "the king's commandment." Such hypocrisy is a stench in the nostrils of God and he has about had enough.

Murder babies in the womb by the millions and then talk about how much you value saving people from the Conronavirus! Such hypocrisy!

Well should all protesters keep these words in mind:

Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd." (Exo. 23: 2 NIV)

Are we headed for "mob rule" in America? In the world? Is this what is signified by the rider on the red horse (Rev,. 6)? That rider "takes peace from the earth" which leads to people slaughtering one another. Are we seeing a small preview of this in our time?

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