Jul 9, 2009

Father of Cambellism Lost?

Alexander Campbell is well known as being the "ringleader" of the sect known as "Campbellites," or "Restorationists," or "Disciples," and the denomination calling itself "Church of Christ," or "Christian Church." He is supposedly the one who, with others, "restored" the ancient "lost" gospel. He supposedly did this when he discovered that immersion in water was a requirement for new birth and eternal salvation. He came to believe that one was not "born again" until he was immersed in water "in order to the remission of sins."

What is ironic and interesting about Campbell, however, is the fact that he himself never was baptized according to this rediscovered "formula"! He never was baptized "in order to the remission of sins," never repudiating his former Baptist baptism.

Can you imagine it? Campbell, the head of the new denomination, was never baptized "in order to the remission of sins," and was, therefore, eternally lost!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to tell you, but, the Church of Christ is not a denomination... we are the body of christ, we follow the new testament to a "t".. call it what you will, but take a step back and read the book yourself and ask yourself-" Am I a child of God? Have I repented, confessed and been baptised for the remission of my sins?" If not please learn for yourself and follow the instructions....

Anonymous said...

oh and by the way.. there is only one father... it isnt Mr Campbell...

Anonymous said...

which of the campbells are u talking about? read history...... !
But any how which denimination are part of? dont be afraid ... say be bold .......
The bible is the standard dont 4get.

Stephen Garrett said...

Dear A:

I am a Christian Baptist, just as A. Campbell once claimed to be. I have read the history of the Campbellism and have not stated anything which is not true. Do you believe that Campbell was saved even though he only had Baptist baptism?
