May 7, 2008

Devil is in the Definition?

If we define "regeneration" as the cause only, without consideration of the effect produced, then we have created a devilish mess in doing so, and gone against scriptural use and definition.

Theologians define "regeneration" as the "first move of God" upon the heart that eventuates in salvation. The Bible, however, does not define "regeneration" this way.

This "narrowed" definition of "regeneration" has been a "Pandora's Box" and has led to numerous theological ills.

Most of these "theologians," at least the honest ones, admit that their use and definition of "regeneration" is not biblical, but "technical" or "theological," one created by such men and not by the apostles. They also admit, at least the Baptist theologians, that the first Particular Baptists did not use define the term "regeneration" as do these "hair-splitting" theologians.

It is this "narrowed definition" of "regeneration" that has caused many to come to believe such notions as:

1) Regeneration is before the new birth.

2) Regeneration is before conversion.

3) Regeneration is before conviction, enlightenment, repentance, and faith.

4) Regeneration is on the sub-conscious level.

5) Regeneration only gives "embryonic" or "seed" faith and repentance.

6) A man could be saved by regeneration alone and without conversion.

7) Regeneration is without faith and without the gospel as means.

Divine Drawing (cause) - Sinner Coming to Christ (effect)

If we define "regeneration" by the cause alone, by the "drawing" alone, then we will have to say that a man is "regenerated" (or "born again") before he "comes" to Christ.

It is because of this error of imposing a definition on the bible that is foreign to it, of this narrowing down of the meaning of "regeneration," that many have come to mistake any workings of God upon the heart as "regeneration," instead of seeing that God works on the heart, in preparations, prior to regeneration. To mistake these preparatory workings of God for regeneration has unleashed numerous ills.

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