Aug 8, 2008

Hardshell Proof Texts

Several of my friendly readers have emailed me over the past several months and encouraged me to address some of the scriptures used by those who promote the Hybrid, Reformed, or Hardshell view of "pre-faith regeneration."

One of the series I have planned for the book (Vol. II) will be called "Hardshell Proof Texts." In this series I have all the scriptures listed that have been used by the Hardshells to prove their aberrant views. I still have a couple chapters on the "Great Commission" to complete. And, I also planned to go directly into "Hardshells and Missions" as the next series. But, I now plan to go ahead and begin my series on "Hardshell Proof Texts" and try to complete the two chapters on the "Great Commission" after that, together with the other series planned for vol. II and other volumes.

The same scriptures and arguments used by the Hardshells to prove regeneration apart from faith, and without the gospel as a means, are the same scriptures and arguments used by the "Reformed" camp, men like James White, Wayne Grudem, etc., who promote the "born again before faith" heresy.

So, stay tuned as, Lord willing, I begin this series. I suppose my chats with my Arminian and Hyper Calvinist brothers will have to take a "back seat" while I work on this series. I do have lots of the work done in drafts, but it will still take a good bit of editing and enlarging. So, those of you who have been waiting for this series, hold on!


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