Aug 7, 2008


It has been quite a shock to discover so many Hyper Calvinists among Baptists outside of the Hardshell Baptist denomination. Once I left the Hardshell Baptists, I thought I had left it for good. Sadly, I have found more Hyperism and Hardshellism among Southern Baptists, those who generally identify with the "Founders Movement," or with "Reformed" doctrine.

Everywhere I turn I find these neo-Hardshells everywhere! I find men like MacArthur, Piper, White, Cook, Grudem, etc., all preaching that men are first born again and later come to faith.

I just listened to a sermon by Wayne Grudem where he spouted neo-Hardshellism, a sermon I hope to critique, in the near future. I have also listened to a debate between Gene Cook (Baptist) and Bruce Reeves of the "Church of Christ" denomination. You can listen to the debate here.

Bruce Reeves, like Dave Hunt did against James White, showed how Cook was full of contradiction in his debate with Reeves. Cook would say that men are saved and justified "by faith," that is, after the exercise of faith, but yet he was "born again" or "regenerated" before faith. It was a glaring contradiction and one that gave Calvinism a "black eye," I am sure, to many who listened to this debate.

I also just had some discussion with Steve Camp on this same issue. Steve was writing that men are saved and justified and forgiven of sin after regeneration, but he is possessed of spiritual life before he is a believer, or is justified, or is saved!

This same Bruce Reeves listened to my debate on the same subject with Campbellite debater, Pat Donahue, and challenged me to debate. I told him that I was too busy to do so in the foreseeable future. You can listen to the debate here at Pat's site.

All this hyperism among Southern Baptists makes me want to enlarge my book on the "Hardshell Baptist Cult" to include writings against the "Reformed" view of "regeneration."

This is why I appreciate men like Brother Ross who has spent his life fighting this heresy of "regeneration apart from faith." I too will spend the remaining days of my life fighting this heresy. It is not historic Calvinism among Baptists, but is a hybrid view.

I have a steady challenge for any Hardshell to come forward and debate Hardshellism. I also have now a standing challenge to men like White to come forward and defend their abberant views on the new birth. Will they choose to ignore the challenges from Ross and myself? Oh yes, men like White want to debate the Arminians, but will they come forward and debate a Confessional Calvinist?

More to come.


LeRoy said...

Calvinists are an arrogant bunch who believe that they are the only true holders of the Holy Grail of Christian doctrine. They are usually so enamored with them selves that they absolutely place debate above everything else. They will say that John the baptist was an exception in being regenerate before he had faith - a faith that was not complete the night before he was killed. They have no answer for the souls in heaven [Rev. 5:9; 7:9 & 14:6, and how they got there from times long before the Gospel [EVERY nation, kindred, tribe and tongue]. Their love for "means" in regeneration is a result of the Augustinian Sacramentalism of their Roman Catholic heritage. They hate the inclusiveism of "No-Means" doctrine, which reaches infants and the mentally retarded.... and the many professing Christians of different orders, not to mention those of God's elect who have never had a chance to hear the Gospel! They revel in the feeling that they are superior in their beliefs!

Stephen Garrett said...

Dear LeRoy:

I have had experiences with arrogant Arminians too.

