Sep 24, 2008

Berkouwer & Reformed Ordo

"Abraham Kuyper once noted a difference between older and newer terminology in the subject of faith and grace. The Belgic Confession uses the older terminology in Article 24, where we read: "We believe that this true faith, being wrought in man by the hearing of the Word of God and the operation of the Holy Spirit, regenerates him and makes him a new man, causing him to live a new life, and freeing him from the bondage of sin." The relation between faith and regeneration as found here is suggestive of Calvin's statement "that we are regenerated by faith." The newer terminology is that used by later theologians, who limit regeneration in the ordo salutis to the beginning of the new life. Kuyper spoke of the older Reformation and confessional terminology as the result of an "unfinished conception," of which the later, more limited idea of regeneration was "the consistent development." Kuyper approved this development, but not simply out of love for systems. The refinement of terminology resulted, according to him, from a desire to protect the Reformed concept from misconception."

Of course I disagree with the above words highlighted in blue. The words highlighted in red are what I desire to be especially noted.

I certainly do agree with this statement of Berkouwer (and made by others and also by myself many times):

" is not possible to deduce a fixed ordo from the words of Scripture and their order." ("Faith and Justification" By G. C. Berkouwer, pages 29, 30)

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