Sep 12, 2008

The Gadfly's Topics

Over the past several months I have had readers of the Gadfly email me, or make public comments, wherein I have been asked why I don't write on other topics. Some want to know why I don't write more against Armianism, some (like Gene Bridges) why I don't write against the Mormons, Catholics, Muslims, etc., like he and James White do regularly.

First, this blog was set up mainly to write on topics pertaining to Baptist life and doctrine. I have other blogs and web sites set up (see links) to post my other writings.

Second, even here in the Gadfly I have written on the second coming of Christ quite a bit, and have mentioned topics like "elder rule" in Baptist churches, etc.

I do not have the same amount of time, perhaps, to devote to these other topics, at present, as James or Gene.

I have felt a need to get my book on the "Hardshell Baptist Cult" completed and so it occupies the predominant part of the writings here.

Little did I realize when I started the Gadfly that I would be confronting neo-Hardshellism among other Baptist groups, like among those who called themselves "reformed."

Gene posted a blog about my "search engine" ineptness and also took various "pot shots" at brother Ross and myself. It is amazing to me how James and Gene can be so caustic in their tyrades against brother Ross, and now myself, and then turn around and criticize Ross for the same thing. In fact, in James' tyrade recently against brother Ross, wherein he made a whole video to warn us all about brother Ross, he accused Bob of being too much like Peter Ruckman, and gave that as a reason not to debate him. That gave me a chuckle! Several chuckles. Here's why.

First, it seems to me that White is a lot like Ruckman. Also, it seems to me that White does the very things he condemns in Ross! So does Gene. They both condemn conduct in Ross and myself (perceived) of that which they themselves are guilty.

If you want to see the type of language brother Gene used in his diatribe against me, in his blog of yesterday, just visit there and see.

I will be making some response to some things Gene said in that blog entry, but must save it for later. Some of us make tents like Paul.

But, why don't Gene and James step up and demonstrate how I did not properly "exegete" John 1:10-13 (my recent writing "Hardshell Proof Texts I")?

And, when I finish the next entry (next day or two) on I John 5: 1, let them come forward and show where I erred?

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