Sep 12, 2008

Gene says - "Demonstrate it"

Brother Gene Bridges said (to Bob and Charles at the Calvinist Flyswatter, and to me) - "If you really believe what you believe, demonstrate it."

I have and I am! Did Gene not look over my blog to see what I have written (the very thing of which he and James say I am guilty)?

I can name lots of entries, and of recent date too, where I have completely overthrown much of the argumentation of the "reformed" crowd who put regeneration before faith. Let them address my analysis of John 1:10-12. Let them read what I have written about conviction of sin (in the ongoing Hardshell book), infant regeneration, etc. Let them look at the entries about Spurgeon, Calvin, etc. Let them tell us "begotten by the gospel" does not mean "begotten by faith in the gospel," as I asked in an entry recently.

Now, brother Gene, why don't you "demonstrate" how my "demonstration" is false?

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